Pumpkin Addiction: Round-up plus a Recipe

I have a problem. It’s seasonal, and I know it will pass, but right now it’s rather consuming. I’m addicted to collecting pumpkin recipes.

The ultimate classic – pumpkin pie.
flickr photo credit, browniesfordinner

Sounds silly, but it’s becoming an issue because I have too many recipes. Not enough time. Not nearly enough pumpkin. Is it possible to get sick of pumpkin flavored food? I don’t know, but I’m about to find out.

So far I’ve only made two recipes. The first is an insanely delicious pumpkin cream cheese muffin. I added chocolate chips for my chocoholics and they went fast. I had to stop my husband from eating the last one so I could pack it for Bunky’s snack. The recipe called for only half a can, so what to do with the other half?

Well. First, a fun pumpkin fact: An open can of pumpkin puree can last up to 5 days in the fridge if covered with plastic wrap. Awesome.

So I needed to find another half can recipe. Not a problem. I made these vegan pumpkin pancakes using my own flour blend. No xanthan gum, though, and maybe that’s why they fell apart a bit, but no one in my family seemed to notice or care. Including Little Guy. Everyone devoured them. Even the leftovers. Almost unheard of at my house.

photo credit: Tessa, The Domestic Diva

Next is a big goal, roasting my own pumpkin – I can do it! I know I can, especially after reading this confidence boosting post along with a yummy looking recipe for pumpkin butter. Or maybe I’ll make pumpkin fudge… so many choices…

Pumpkin Fudge: photo credit, Oatmeal with a Fork

As much as I love the idea of using real pumpkin, I’m no snob to a good can of puree. I mean, really, how much free time do you think I have? Not much, my friend, not much. So canned pumpkin is cool with me. And healthy too, so take that, all you canned pumpkin haters. Okay, I’m losing focus here.

I have MANY more pumpkin inspired recipes to make. Check them out here:

Pumpkin BreadPumpkin CakePumpkin Chocolate Chip CookiesPumpkin DonutsSavory (or Sweet) Pumpkin Wedges, Pumpkin Pie (duh – though my crust will be frozen).

Now for MY recipe. Or rather, my cousin’s. Yup, that’s right. Peeps is back with a delicious and warm fall cookie. Don’t forget to check out her gorgeous Etsy shop. Hand crafted bibs, bags, and more, oh my!

Pumpkin Chai Oatmeal Cookie

Inspired by the Baked: Elements Pumpkin Harvest Dunkin Cookies and Quaker Oats recipe for a traditional oatmeal raisin cookie.


1 c butter, unsalted, softened
1 c dark brown sugar
1/2 c sugar (I used raw sugar)
1 egg
1 c (heaping) pumpkin puree
1 vanilla bean + 1 tsp vanilla extract or 1 tsp vanilla bean paste*
1 c GF flour mix (mine is white rice, sorghum, oat, tapioca flours and xanthum gum)**
2/3 c almond meal
1 tsp baking soda
1 TBSP cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp fresh ground cardamom (use more if already ground)
1/2 tsp fresh grated nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
3 c GF oats
1 c dried cranberries
1 c nuts (walnuts)

** Add 1 1/4 teaspoons of xanthan gum if your mix does not include it


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

2. Beat butter and sugars until fluffy. Add egg, mix. Add pumpkin puree and vanilla, beat until combined. Then add dry ingredients through salt and mix until combined. Stir in oats, cranberries and nuts and mix until just combined.

3. Using a small ice cream scoop, place dough on parchment paper lined cookie sheet. For flatter cookies, press down on dough mound slightly with back of scoop. Bake at 350 for approximately 10 minutes until brown around edges. Center will still be soft. If you want a completely crunchy cookie, flatten cookie more and bake a few minutes longer.

When served fresh out of the oven, these cookies are soft, warm and spicy. Perfect on a crisp fall day. Cooled on a wire rack they firm up a bit, but remain chewy in the center.

Recommended tweaks: If you’re not as much of a spice fan as me, use a bit less. If you like them I’d also add some crystallized ginger for added warmth, or maybe some chili powder… mmmm…  For a more decadent cookie you can also mix in white chocolate or dark chocolate chips.

* I used one of my vanilla beans that’s been soaking in vodka so it just oozes out a lovely paste, but regular vanilla extract, or even rum would work too.

Enjoy!  I certainly am loving them.

Thanks Peeps! They look great, and taste even better. It was challenging to save a few for the pictures today. Now I get to finish them up. Yum.

Now I have to get back to baking. Bunky asked me for donuts today, so I think that’s next on my pumpkin queue…

This recipe is shared on One Creative Mommy’s Gluten Free Monday link up and VegetarianMamma.com’s Gluten Free Fridays. Click on the links to check out all the other great recipes!

21 thoughts on “Pumpkin Addiction: Round-up plus a Recipe

  1. I love all things pumpkin. It’s one of my favorite things about fall! I’m bookmarking this page though- I love all the links! Maybe I’ll get brave and give something a try this weekend!

    • Let me know if you try anything! I actually roasted a pumpkin this weekend… um, more on that in my next post. I’d say skip that for now, though, and head straight for the puree and make something delicious – and fast!

    • Funny what becomes popular, I never would have thought of pumpkin fudge, but apparently everyone else has, ha! It does look very tempting, but so does that pumpkin butter… Oh, too many choices. Let me know if you try it and if it’s as good as it looks 🙂

  2. Hi Dana! Thank you so much for mentioning my fudge! I love the addition of cardamom to these cookies. I’ve been wanting to try it in something sweet, but haven’t yet. Have a great weekend!

    • My lovely cousin is addicted to cardamom! She literally puts it in everything. Well, almost everything. I bet you could probably add it to your delish looking fudge recipe 🙂 Looking forward to checking out more of your gorgeous creations!

  3. Check out my recipe section for a Crustless Pumpkin Pie. It was pretty good, although I’m still trying to perfect a good gluten-free crust…

    • Hi there, I love your crustless pumpkin pie recipe! Looks genius. And, I am also a fan of Pamela’s. I just brought it up to our country house and I find it to be such a great travel companion 🙂

  4. Sounds REALLY yummy! And thank you for reminding me that I still have half a can of pumpkin in the fridge from Sunday! I usually use canned pumpkin but last year we made pumpkin soup and pumpkin bread with real pumpkin. It was so delicious! Our kids really like the roasted pumpkin seeds!

    • Hi Sharea! I have some real roasted pumpkin in the fridge waiting for a recipe. Maybe soup instead of the fudge I was eyeing 🙂 How did you cook your pumpkin seeds? Mine came out kind of burnt tasting and my girl was not into them. Maybe I cooked them too long. Anyway, it’s nice hearing from you! I’ll be visiting your blog soon. Hope you and your family are doing well.

      • We soaked them in a brine and then baked the seeds in the oven. I have to admit, my husband usually bakes the seeds and I just get to eat them. He’s out of town on business this week but I’ll ask him if he has a special recipe or any tips tonight when he calls. I just read your last post. Loved it! Not too much going on in our neck of the internet. I’ve been kind of a blog slacker lately (well really pretty much since I started)! ( = We are buying our first house so we are pretty excited. The first 11 years we were married James was working on his undergrad, masters, and PhD so we were at 3 different universities and moved alot. We moved to TN 2 1/2 years ago for a post doc at the national lab (which I thought was only going to be no more than 2 years tops) Then that husband of mine found a job with an engineering consulting firm in Knoxville so we have decided it’s beautiful here and sort of close to my family in FL so we are taking the leap and buying a house even though my hearts still longs to be back in the north west (partly because of my husbands family who still lives there and partyly because I dread taking another bar exam). I haven’t tried roasted pumpkin yet. It sounds yummy!

      • Thanks for the tip about the seeds! I love that your husband is in charge of that. Maybe I should get mine on it. Congrats on buying your first place! That is so exciting 🙂 Sounds like the perfect time for it. Good luck with retaking the bar, at some point. I can see how that would be a daunting task, but you did once, right?

    • Thanks so much Sarah! It’s funny, after I wrote the post I found about five more recipes to add to my list. It’s getting a little crazy. I may need to make the fudge next. It never would have occurred to me either. If so, I’ll report back!

  5. Pingback: Country Weekend Part 2: Family Style + GF Zucchini Bread Recipe | celiac kiddo

  6. Pingback: Finding Fall and a Harvest Muffin Recipe | celiac kiddo

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  8. Pingback: Happy Birthday and a Pumpkin Round-up (last one!) | celiac kiddo

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  10. Pingback: Taking a Stand | celiac kiddo

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